Services and Rates

Therapeutic Massage

Characterized by flowing strokes, kneading and lifting muscle tissues, and joint movements, a great way to alleviate pain and muscle tension and reduce stress.

60-90 minutes/$65-110

Healing Touch Therapy

Healing Touch is a relaxing, nurturing biofield therapy that uses gentle touch to assist in balancing physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being.  Healing Touch can be used to reduce stress and anxiety, support recovery from surgery, aid in the management of chronic conditions and cancer care, as well as deepen one’s spiritual connections.

60-90 Minutes/ $65-100

HeartMath® Mentoring

Single HeartMath® sessions are 1 hour, include a lesson in heart science as well as practice in one stress-reduction technique. Mentoring blocks include 4 hour-long sessions to learn and practice stress-reduction techniques, a Building Personal Resilience Guidebook from the HeartMath® Institute, and assistance from Patsy in personal practice development.

Individual 1-hour session (in-person or by phone)/ $65

Individual Mentoring Block (4 sessions in-person or by phone, plus Guidebook and individual practice building)/ $280

Group Mentoring

Group mentoring sessions are a great way to learn more about HeartMath and practice stress-reducing techniques with your coworkers, friends, or family members. Groups must consist of 4 or more people.

Group 1-hour session (in-person only) – $40/per person

Group Mentoring Block (4 in-person sessions, plus guidebook for all participants as well as individualized practice-building assistance) – $180/per person
