
A toolkit for reducing stress and loving life

What is HeartMath® ?

Have you ever found yourself overwhelmed by your daily responsibilities, anxious about making decisions, struggling to communicate with a coworker or a loved one, or stressed by a major life change?  HeartMath® can help. The HeartMath® system is about reconnecting with your heart and self-regulating your emotions so that you can reduce stress and maintain composure during challenging life events. 

HeartMath® is a registered trademark of Quantum Intech, Inc.

What is HeartMath® Mentoring?

HeartMath® mentoring is a guided practice of emotional-regulation and stress-reduction. Mentoring sessions can reduce anxiety, stress, sleeplessness and fatigue. More importantly, mentoring sessions will teach the client to use self-regulation tools on a daily basis so they can build emotional flexibility to life’s ups and downs.

HeartMath® is a registered trademark of Quantum Intech, Inc.

Through mentoring sessions with me, you will gain:

Individual Mentoring Sessions

Single HeartMath® mentoring sessions are 1 hour, include a lesson in heart science as well as practice in one stress-reduction technique. Mentoring blocks include 4 hour-long sessions to learn and practice stress-reduction techniques, a Building Personal Resilience Guidebook from the HeartMath® institute, and assistance in personal practice development
  • Single 1-hour session (in-person or by phone) 
  • Mentoring block (4 sessions, in-person or by phone) 

HeartMath® is a registered trademark of Quantum Intech, Inc.

Group Mentoring Sessions

HeartMath® is a wonderful practice for improving communications within both personal and professional relationships. Group mentoring sessions are a great way to learn more about HeartMath® and practice stress-reduction techniques with your coworkers, friends, or family members. Groups must consist of 4 or more people.
  • Group 1-hour session (in-person only) 
  • Group mentoring block (4 sessions, in-person only)

HeartMath® is a registered trademark of Quantum Intech, Inc.


“I loved participating in this. I learned enough to continue a daily practice. I noticed a difference in my stress level the first week. I have felt more confident realizing that I can do this. If we could teach this to the world, imagine the love!” 

– Debrah E., LMT

I was well guided and coached by Patsy. Pasty provided reassuring guidance and feedback as I learned the methods and she reviewed my practice in between coaching sessions. The coaching method provided by HeartMath is nicely structured. I noticed the benefits of each technique immediately when practicing them with Patsy and during my own practice

-Becci R., LBSW & Educator

Patsy is gifted at asking thoughtful questions and explaining the HeartMath program in easy to understand terms. She is encouraging and appropriately challenges the learner to go a bit deeper in thinking about goals, energy drains, and restorative activities and thoughts. She is amazing. She is very professional, and non-judgmental.  I can’t say enough about Patsy and her performance as a HeartMath Mentor. She was born to do this. 

Erin M., CRNA, DNP, Instructor of Anesthesiology

